
基于最优靠泊位置的泊位分配和子箱区指派联合计划 被引量:3

An Integrated Planning of Berthing Allocation and Sub-block Assignment Based on Optimal Berth Position
摘要 通常船舶的泊位分配计划受到船舶的最优靠泊位置影响,而最优位置主要由集装箱在堆场中的堆放位置确定。基于中转港班轮运输的研究背景,利用媒介参数——最优靠泊位置研究泊位分配和子箱区指派联合计划问题,致力于提高码头操作效率、降低码头作业总成本。模型求解过程中,将模型分解成两个子模型,利用两阶段算法即首先利用启发式算法产生基于优先级的初始解,然后结合双层规划(Bi-level Programming)思想求解,通过大型算例验证模型和算法,结果表明本研究的对降低码头总成本具有重要的现实经济意义。 Usually berth allocation planning of vessels is influenced by their optimal berth positions,which are determined by the stacking locations of containers to be loaded or unloaded.Based on the background of linear shipping in a transshipment hub,this paper generates an integrated planning of berth allocation and sub-block assignment,a non-linear model is formulated based on the medium parameter-preferred berth position.This research aims to improve operational efficiency and decrease the total operation cost of a wharf.When solving the problem,the model is decomposed into two sub-models and then solved by a two-phase algorithm which firstly produces a priority-based initial solution via a heuristic algorithm and then obtain the final solution using the theory of bi-level programming.In the end of this paper,numerical experiments are conducted to validate the model and the heuristics.The results show that the integrated plan of berth allocation and sub-block assignment can provide the wharf with much economic significance.
出处 《系统工程》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期152-158,共7页 Systems Engineering
基金 上海市自然科学基金创新行动计划项目(10190502500) 上海市科委工程中心基金资助项目(09DZ2250400) 上海海事大学研究生创新基金资助项目(2013ycy004)
关键词 最优靠泊位置 泊位分配 子箱区指派 优先级初始解 Bi-level Optimal Berth Position Berth Allocation Sub-block Assignment Priority-based Initial Solution Bi-level
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