
广东青年指(趾)长、指(趾)长比及运动能力与地域差异的关系 被引量:2

The respective relationship between finger(toe) length,digit ratio,athletic ability and regional differences in Guangdong youth
摘要 目的研究广东地区间青年大学生指(趾)长、指(趾)长比以及运动能力的关系。方法随机抽取来自潮汕地区(汕头、潮州、揭阳、汕尾)、客家地区(梅州、河源)以及粤语地区(广州、佛山、肇庆等)19~22周岁在读青年大学生309名,其中男性142人,女性167人。用游标卡尺测量手指长度、脚趾长度并计算示指与环指指长比(2D∶4D)及第一脚趾与第二脚趾趾长比(1T∶2T),按照大学生体质健康评分标准(2014年修订版)测定体能数据,应用SPSS 20.0统计软件对所得数据进行统计学分析。结果 (1)地区间指长及趾长差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);(2)各地区间右手2D∶4D差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),其中右手2D∶4D最大的是潮汕地区(0.9323),其次是粤语地区(0.9194),最小的是客家地区(0.9061),而各地区间左手2D∶4D、左脚1T∶2T、右脚1T∶2T差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);(3)地区间运动能力差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论广东各地区间大学生运动能力不存在明显差异。 Objective To study relationships between finger(toe)length,digit ratio and athletic ability of youth college students from different regions in Guangdong. Methods Randomly selected 309 students from Chaoshan area(Shantou,Chaozhou,Jieyang,Shanwei),Hakka area(Meizhou,Heyuan)and Cantonese area(Guangzhou,Foshan,Zhaoqing,etc.)aged from 19 to 22,including 142 males and 167 females. The finger length and toe length were measured with a vernier caliper. The length ratio of the index finger to the ring finger(2 D∶4 D)and the length ratio of the first toe to the second toe(1 T∶2 T)were calculated. The data of physical aility was measured according to the college students% physical fitness score(2014 revision)and SPSS 20.0 statistical software was used for statistical analysis. Results(1)No significant differences of finger length and toe length were found among regions;(2)There was a significant difference in the 2 D∶4 D of right hand among regions but nothing with the left. The largest 2 D∶4 D of right hand was Chaoshan area(0.9323),followed by Cantonese area(0.9194)and the smallest was Hakka area(0.9061). However,neither the 1 T∶2 T of left foot or right foot has significant difference among regions;(3)There was no significant difference in athletic ability among regions.Conclusion The athletic ability of youth college students from different regions in Guangdong is no significant difference.
作者 王钟盟 张黎 吴锦容 王涛 吴溢华 巫宇哲 王旭麟 WANG Zhong?meng;ZHANG Li;WU Jin?rong;WANG Tao;WU Yi?hua;WU Yu?zhe;WANG Xulin(Institute of Basic,School of Public Health,Guangdong Pharmaceutical University,Guangzhou 510006,China)
出处 《解剖学研究》 CAS 2018年第6期517-520,共4页 Anatomy Research
基金 广东省大学生创新训练项目资助(201610573025) 广东药科大学2016年创新强校项目
关键词 指(趾)长 指(趾)长比 运动能力 广东地区 Finger(toe)length Digit ratio Athletic ability Guangdong area
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