
背腐蚀在N型晶体硅太阳电池生产中的应用 被引量:2

Application of Rear Etching in N-type Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells Production
摘要 采用湿化学方法对硅片背面抛光钝化,研究背腐蚀对硅片各项性能、电池电性能的影响。通过分析腐蚀后硅片表面形貌、反射率及电池电性能的变化,发现腐蚀降低了硅片表面粗糙度,增大背面反射率,内量子效率中长波光的响应增强;抛光使得金字塔棱角变得更平滑,降低硅片表面电子空穴复合速率,增大了有效少子寿命,开路电压和短路电流密度分别增加了3mV和0.3J/cm2,电池效率提升了0.3%,最高可达到19.5%。 The rear surface of the wafer was etched with wet chemical method.The effect of rear etching on the property of wafer and cell were investigated.Through analyzing the changing of the surface morphology,reflectivity and cell electrical property,it was found that surface roughness was decreased by rear etching.The reflectivity and internal quantum efficiency(IQE)in long wave were increased and the pyramid edges/ridges became more smooth.Also found was that the surface recombination velocity of electron-hole could be decreased and the effective minority carrier lifetime could be increased by rear polishing.The open-circuit voltage and shortcurrent density were increased by 3mV and 0.3J/cm2 respectively,and 0.3% gain in cell efficiency and the best cell efficiency of up to 19.5% were realized.
出处 《光电子技术》 CAS 2015年第3期191-194 199,199,共5页 Optoelectronic Technology
基金 国际科技合作项目(2015DFE62900)
关键词 硅太阳电池 背腐蚀 内量子效率 转换效率 silicon solar cell rear etching IQE cell efficiency
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