The rear surface of the wafer was etched with wet chemical method.The effect of rear etching on the property of wafer and cell were investigated.Through analyzing the changing of the surface morphology,reflectivity and cell electrical property,it was found that surface roughness was decreased by rear etching.The reflectivity and internal quantum efficiency(IQE)in long wave were increased and the pyramid edges/ridges became more smooth.Also found was that the surface recombination velocity of electron-hole could be decreased and the effective minority carrier lifetime could be increased by rear polishing.The open-circuit voltage and shortcurrent density were increased by 3mV and 0.3J/cm2 respectively,and 0.3% gain in cell efficiency and the best cell efficiency of up to 19.5% were realized.
2015年第3期191-194 199,199,共5页
Optoelectronic Technology