
基于图像清晰度评价函数的导光板翘曲度检测方法 被引量:2

Detection Method of the LGP Warpage Degree Based on Image Definition Criterion
摘要 针对现有导光板翘曲度塞尺间隙测量法精度低、要求高等不足,采用一种单CCD摄像机图像清晰度评价方法对导光板翘曲度进行测量的方法。该方法基于摄像机检测装置,将检测纸和导光板分别置于检测平台表面,手动调节X轴、Y轴传动组定位、手动调节Z轴传动组调焦,分别获取导光板中间底面和表面不同特征的质量因素Q值图像清晰度峰值,比较不同大小滑动窗口实验和均方误差、熵值和KBlur算法。结果表明测量方法示值误差小、重复性较好,能够满足接触线在线、非接触检测的需求。 Because of the shortage of rule gap measurement for Light Guide Plate(LGP)warpage degree,such as low accuracy and high requirement,image definition criterion of quality indexing is present based on single CCD camera.The detection paper and LGP are respectively arranged on the the camera detection device platform,located by X and Y axis group and focused by Z axis group firstly,different image definition criterion peaks of quality indexing are obtained in the middle surface of LGP bottom and surface.Quality indexing algorithm is compared with different sliding windows and the mean square error,entropy and KBlur algorithm finally.Results It is shown by the results that error of this algorithm is little,small,the algorithm has good repetition and can meet the online,untouched detection needs.
出处 《光电子技术》 CAS 2015年第4期232-236,共5页 Optoelectronic Technology
基金 2014江苏省产学研联合创新资金研究项目(BY2014040) 2013江苏省自然科学基金青年基金资助项目(BK20130245) 常州市光电子材料与器件重点实验项目(20130694)
关键词 导光板 翘曲度 质量因素 图像清晰度 light guide plate warpage degree quality indexing image definition criterion
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