简要介绍了我国新颁布的《生活饮用水水质卫生规范》的主要特点以及当前城市供水水质存在的问题。首次提出了全面提高小区生活饮用水水质的建议 ,并与分质供水系统进行了经济估算比较和分析。认为对小区供水全部采用深度处理工艺 ,与目前普遍实行的小区管道分质供水 (仅解决饮水水质问题 )相比 ,不仅节省了投资 ,降低了供水成本 ,而且提高了全部生活饮用水水质 ,以利今后与国际接轨。
The Sanitary Standard for Drinking Water Quality has been promulgated in 2001 by the Ministry of Health. In this paper the key contents of this standard and the recent status including the existing water quality problems in urban portable water supply of this country are presented. It is the first time in this country that a recommendation is proposed in the paper on general upgrading of potable water quality for residential quarters. This recommendation is economically estimated by comparison with the so-called dual water supply systems. It is concluded that compared with dual water supply systems, general upgrading of potable water quality by comprehensive adoption of advances purification process will be feasible with benefits to save investment, reduce operating cost and anyway all the potable water quality in residential quarter can be improved.
Water & Wastewater Engineering