The objective of this article is to measure the speed of widening differences on public services spending. This article estimates the speed of widening differences on public services spending in all Chinese provinces from 1995 to 2012 by employing Barro&Sala-i-Martin(1992)'s model. The study finds the differences of public services spending in China are widening at the speed 2.11%~2.28%. The tests in this article show that public services spending in Eastern China is equalizing significantly at the speed 2.71%. The equalization tend of public services spending in Central China is not clearly demonstrated. In Western China,the differences of public service spending are widening significantly at the speed 3.02%. The article also finds that economic growth and inter-governmental fiscal transfer payment have a positive relationship with the differences of public services spending among Chinese local governments,which shows the imbalance of economic growth and government fiscal transfer payments is widening the differences of public services spending among Chinese local governments.The findings of this article will provide a reform path for enhancing the equalization of public services spending in China. Future reforms should take balanced economic development as their orientation. On this basis,the reform on financial payment system among Chinese local governments would be gradually improved,thus 'smoothing ' the differences of public services spending among Chinese local governments. This article firstly employs Barro & Sala-i-Martin(1992)'s model to measure the differences of public services spending among Chinese local governments,which not only raise the awareness of the status quo of the differences of public services spending among Chinese local government,but also enrich the application range of Barro & Sala-i-Martin(1992)' s model.
Journal of Public Management