
从“极化”走向“理性”:网络空间中公共舆论的演变路径——百度百科“PX词条保卫战”的启示 被引量:33

From Polarization to Rationality:The Evolution Path of Public Opinion on the Internet——Enlightenment from the Case of "PX Entry Battle" on Baidu Encyclopedia
摘要 网络空间中的公共舆论往往呈现出从"极化"到"理性"的演变趋势。针对这一问题,选取了百度百科"PX词条保卫战"作为案例,基于虚拟民族志的方法,挖掘相关文本资料,并运用行动者网络作为主要分析框架对其进行深入研究,将该案例中网络舆论演变过程解剖为极化、制衡和理性化三个阶段,进而着重刻画其中的行动者转译机制,如从问题化、旨趣化到招募、动员到网络稳定,从而得出结论:网络舆论的极化现象背后往往牵连着社会情境线索,网络舆论演变实质上是自主治理机制的演化,在议题演化机制的作用下,网络舆论的演变促进了公共空间的衍生。研究结果深度刻画了网络舆论的演变路径,揭示了其演化的具体机制,从而为网络公共空间的治理提供了一定的借鉴。 The objective of this paper is to explain the public opinion evolution trend in cyberspace. Focus on this issue,this paper chooses Baidu Encyclopedia 'PX entry Battle' as a case,employing the actor-network theory as frame and the virtual ethnography as method to do some deep study. The case is divided into three phases:Polarization,check and balance,and rationalization. And this paper focuses on the translation mechanisms of agency,such as problematize,interestize,enrollment,mobilization,the stability of network,and then leading to the conclusion:The polarization of public opinion behind the network is often related to social context clues,and the evolution of public opinion is actually the evolution of independent governance mechanism. Based on the issue evolution mechanism,the evolution of public opinion promote the derivative of public space. The paper deeply describes the evolution path of the public opinion on the Internet,and explains its mechanism,hence,generates some experience for public cyber space governance.
作者 董阳 陈晓旭
出处 《公共管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期55-67 155-156,155-156,共15页 Journal of Public Management
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71303225)
关键词 网络舆论 极化 理性 Public Opinion in Cyberspace,Polarization,Rationality
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