

Chinese Students in France: Assisting China’s Reform and Opening up——A Review of Forty Years of Studying in France
摘要 留学,是中国教育对外开放的核心环节,亦是中外多元文化交流的桥梁,更是推动中国改革开放与社会现代化建设的重要助力。法国是最早与中国开展教育交流与合作的国家之一,《留法四十年》(总策划:成辉、封松林、曹纬,中国经济出版社出版2018年7月出版)一书,借由200多名留法学人之口、160幅珍贵历史图片、13个在法学人社团组织、近14000人的留法学生名录,从不同角度全景式地记录和展现了1978-2018改革开放四十年来我国留法学人的多姿风采。在研究留学群体、对外教育合作以及文化外交政策方面,这部“当代留学史记”具有重要的史料价值,对于培养中国在外留学和在华留学人才、助力中国社会发展亦具有积极的实践指导意义。 Studying abroad is the core link of China’s educational opening up with the outside world, and also a bridge of multicultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. Furthermore, it is an especially important driving force for China’s reform, opening up and social modernization. France is one of the earliest countries to carry out educational exchanges and cooperation with China. The book Forty Years of Studying in France(Overall Planning: Cheng Hui, Feng Songlin and Cao Wei;Published by China Economic Publishing House in July 2018), based on the narratives of more than 200 scholars who have once studied in France, along with 160 precious historical pictures, a list of 13 associations of overseas scholars in France, and a name list of nearly 14,000 Chinese students in France, has recorded and presents some of the fantastic stories of Chinese scholars studying in France during the past 40 years of reform and opening up from 1978 to 2018 in a panoramic way with different perspectives. In terms of researching student groups studying abroad, China’s international education cooperation and cultural and foreign policies, the book holds important historical value. It also serves as an important guide for training both Chinese students abroad and foreign students in China and assisting the development of Chinese society.
作者 陈曦 Chen Xi
出处 《公共外交季刊》 2018年第4期113-117,128,共6页 Public Diplomacy Quarterly








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