

Textual Study on the Career and Marriage of Yang Wenwei of the Sui Dynasty,A Descendant from the Lineage of the Duke of Yue under the Household of Yang from the Hongnong Huayin County
摘要 本文结合新出墓志及前人研究成果,对杨文伟或称杨伟的名字疑问,其婚宦事迹,越公房长盛不衰的原因,进行了疏证和考略,认为杨文伟或称杨伟属于当时常见的'双名单称'。《秦晋豫新出墓志蒐佚》《大唐西市博物馆藏墓志》二书所收《元氏墓志》《李氏墓志》中的元氏和李氏,分别出身鲜卑和高车,为杨文伟的原配和继室。杨文伟于隋开皇九年灭陈统一南北前任温州刺史,是沿袭西魏以来以汉族特等高门为边州刺史的传统,用意是向南朝宣示华夏正统文化在北方。杨氏越公房能够长盛不衰,与北方民族高门联姻固然重要,但更重要的还是因为他们拥有华夏正统文化,并以这种文化传家。 Based on the recently unearthed tomb inscription and the previous academic accomplishment, the essay interprets and studies such issues as the name of the deceased member of the household of Yang from the Hongnong County-Yang Wenwei or Yang Wei, his marriage and career in officialdom, and reasons for the lineage of the Duke of Yue(Yuegong fang) thrived for an extended period of time. The author argues that Yang Wenwei and Yang Wei are names of the same person who lived in a time that followed the common practice of addressing the person only the second character of the given name. According to the Tomb Inscription of Lady Yuan and Tomb Inscription of Lady Li recorded in the Collection of Recently Excavated Tomb Inscriptions from the Qin,Jin and Yu Regions(Qin Jin Yu xinchu muzhi souyi) and Tomb Inscriptions Collected by the Tang West Market Museum(Datang xishi bowuguan cang muzhi), Lady Yuan and Lady Li, as Yang Wenwei’s first and second wife, were descendents of the Xianbei ethnic group and the Gaoche nomads respectively. Yang Wenwei had been serving as the Regional Inspector(Ci shi) of Wenzhou before the Sui regime conquered the Chen regime(SS7~S89) in the south and thus united China in S89, the ninth year of the Kaihuang reign. This is a tradition that members from Han Chinese privileged families and high class were appointed regional inspectors of frontier areas observed ever since the Western Wei dynasty(525~S56), which is believed to demonstrate to regimes of the Southern Dynasties(420^589) that the legitimate rule of China lies in the north.The House of the Duke of Yue was able to thrive for an extended period of time, not only because it practiced marriages between high-birth people from northern ethnic groups, but more importantly, it was established and nourished by the orthodox Chinese culture, and passed it down through generations.
作者 吕冠军 Lu Guanjun
出处 《故宫学刊》 2018年第1期49-61,共13页 Journal of Gugong Studies
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“新中国出土墓志整理与研究”(批准号:12&ZD137)系列成果之一,得到国家社科基金专项资助
关键词 弘农华阴 杨氏 越公房 杨文伟 婚宦 盛衰 Hongnong Huayin Household of Yang Lineage of the Duke of Yue Yang Wenwei marriage and career in officialdom rise and fall
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