
美国政府中东公共外交:目标、内容与成效分析 被引量:2

The Public Diplomacy of the U. S. government in the Middle East: An Analysis of Objectives,Content and Effect
摘要 美国政府为改变因过度反恐而引致的中东国家民众对美国的负面印象和反美情绪,有效推进其中东战略利益的实现,在9.11之后将中东地区作为其实施公共外交的重点区域,并在中东公共外交的实施内容和策略手段上做出相应调整。在以政府为主导的前提下,广泛动员公司企业、民间力量、非政府组织等非国家行为体全面参与公共外交活动,并使公共外交的受众从侧重于社会精英转为广大普通民众和少数社会精英双轨并行,其公共外交模式日趋多样化、专门化。但其中东公共外交重城市轻农村、过分向温和派伊斯兰力量和自由派倾斜、公共外交实践与中东政策之间的冲突、双方文化认知的偏差等因素,均使美国政府中东公共外交的成效大打折扣,导致中东国家对美国的肯定态度不升反降。 The U. S. government made the Middle East as a key area to implement its public diplomacy after September 11,2001,and it made corresponding adjustments in terms of the content of implementation,strategy,and means of the public diplomacy in theMiddle East,to change the negative impression about the United States and anti- American sentiment caused by its excessive counter- terrorism among the people in the Middle East countries to effectively promote the realization of its strategic interests in the Middle East. Under the premise that the public diplomacy should be dominated by the government,the U. S. government extensively mobilized companies,forces in civil society,non- governmental organizations and other non- state actors to fully participate in the public diplomacy,and it changed its course by laying equal stress on ordinary people and a minority of social elites as the receivers of its public diplomacy from focusing on the social elite; and its patterns of public diplomacy are increasingly diverse and specialized. But the factors such as its public diplomacy in the Middle East favoring urban areas over rural areas,too tilting towards moderate Islamic forces and the liberals,the conflicts between the practice of public diplomacy and its policy in the Middle East,and the differences of the cultural perceptions of the two sides compromise the effectiveness of public diplomacy of the U. S. government in the Middle East,resulting the positive attitudes of the Middle East countries towards the United States are on the decline instead.
作者 罗爱玲
出处 《国际关系研究》 2014年第3期113-127,156,共17页 Journal of International Relations
关键词 美国 中东公共外交 目标 内容 成效 the U.S.,public diplomacy in the Middle East,objectives,content,effectiveness
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