
伊扎布特宗教极端主义的发展及其防范 被引量:5

Development of Religious Extremist Hizb ut-Tahrir and Preventive Measures
摘要 伊扎布特作为跨国宗教政治组织,其目标是推翻现有国家政权,建立以伊斯兰教法为宪法的哈里发国家,并逐步扩展直至实现全世界穆斯林的统一,最终建立具有世界帝国性质的哈里发国家。经过数十年的发展演变,伊扎布特已成为影响巨大的当代跨国伊斯兰政治组织之一,在40多个国家建立了分支机构。伊扎布特意识形态的核心是在世界范围内建立实施哈里发统治的伊斯兰国家,同时坚持反对一切非伊斯兰意识形态与社会制度,反对犹太—以色列,反对世俗国家政权等政治主张。在组织结构上,伊扎布特具有等级分明、垂直领导、单线联系等组织特征;在发展战略上,伊扎布特的目标是通过建立政党、社会互动、建立政权三个阶段实现建立哈里发国家的目标。冷战结束后,伊扎布特通过中亚实现了向我国新疆地区的渗透。伊扎布特等宗教极端组织的活动导致新疆伊斯兰化和宗教保守化趋势日趋明显,构成了严重的意识形态威胁,同时也为宗教极端组织的发展提供了严密的组织形式。为此,我国要疏堵结合,大力防范和抵制境外宗教极端主义的渗透。 As a transnational religious and political organization,the cause of Hizb ut-Tahrir is to overthrow the existing state powers,establish Caliphate states with Islamic Sharia law as their constitutions,expand gradually before the unity of Muslims around the world could have been achieved,and establish eventually the Caliphate state with the nature of a world empire. After development and evolution of decades,Hizb ut-Tahrir has become one of influential contemporary transnational Islamic political organizations with branches in more than 40 countries. The ideological core of Hizb ut-Tahrir is to build the Islamic countries under Caliphate's rule worldwide,while insisting on being against all non-Islamic ideologies and social systems,Jews-Israel,and the secular state powers and other political propositions. In terms of organizational structure,Hizb ut-Tahrir have organizational characteristics such as hierarchy,vertical leadership,single-line connection. As for its development strategy,Hizb ut-Tahrir aims at achieving the goal of the establishment of Caliphate states through the three sta-ges: forming political parties,social interaction,and establishing regimes. After the Cold War,Hizb ut-Tahrir has achieved a penetration into China 's Xinjiang region through Central Asia. The activities of religious extremist organization such as Hizb utTahrir led to increasingly clear trends of Islamization and religious conservatism in Xinjiang,constituting a serious ideological threat while providing a tight organization for the development of religious extremist organizations. So we need to prevent and resist the penetration of foreign religious extremism by combining guidance and blockage.
作者 刘中民
出处 《国际关系研究》 2015年第6期56-71,148-149,共18页 Journal of International Relations
基金 2008年教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"当代中东国际关系中的伊斯兰因素研究"(08JJDGJW256) 2010年上海市哲学社会科学规划课题"中国热点外交的理论与案例研究"(2010BGJ002)的阶段性成果 上海外国语大学211工程建设项目 上海市高校智库建设项目的资助
关键词 伊扎布特 意识形态 组织结构 发展战略 宗教极端主义 Hizb ut-Tahrir ideology organizational structure development strategy religious extremism
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  • 3In Pirkulina, Hizb ut-Tahrir Organization and Financing, (paper distributed at Nixon Center conference, Washington, DC, July 16, 2003).
  • 4"The Method of Hizb ut-Tahrir", http://www.hizb-ut-tahrir. org.english/.
  • 5http: //news.ferghana.nddetail.php?=364984086965.22,664,1654 6281,16.06.2004.
  • 6Zeyno Baran,Hizb ut-Tahrir:Islam's Political Insurgency, 尼克松中心,中译本,第85页.
  • 7Based on various interviews. See also Zamira Eshanova, "Central Asia:Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan Differ in Approach to Hezb ut-Tahrir", Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty,http:// www.rferl.org/nea/features/2002/07/120729921718 56.asp.
  • 8ZeynoBaran:Hizbut-Tahrir:Islam'sPoliticalInsurgency,,尼克松中心,中译本,第86页.
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  • 10тропа террора раскаявшегося боевика прикаэ былпрост вэорвать посольство сша http://www.ferghana.ru,26.09.2003.











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