
义利之辨:基于人性的关于公益与商业关系的理论思考 被引量:20

Debate on the Righteousness and Interest:A Theoretical Thought on the Relationship between the Public Welfare and Business based on the Human Nature
摘要 公益与商业关系问题已经演变成真正的"时代问题"。一些研究者站在商业立场,质疑公益的有效性、可持续性,否定道德的合理性与正当性,否定人有利他的可能性。他们主张,公益不但要学习商业的运作技巧,还要放弃自己的基本价值,在"道"与"术"两个层面,商业都应该主宰公益,公益则成为商业的附庸。这种看待公益与商业关系的视野本质上是"商业中心主义",它会损害社会的根基,并最终使得商业失去健康发展的土壤。本文试图从"公益中心主义"出发来看待公益与商业关系,通过建立了一个分析框架,从人性论、价值观、资源运用规范、微观组织形式、宏观运行机制、公益与商业互动模式以及上述各项的内在联系出发厘清公益与商业关系,主张公益不能化约为商业,公益有其不可替代的人性和制度基础。具体说来,本文的分析以资本主义市场经济制度为前提,立足中华文化,重建现代公益的伦理基础,建构"人类向善"的替代路径,为公益发展提供了基础性的伦理和理论支撑。以"人类向善"为基础,正本清源,文章对当前公益领域一系列争议"议题",如"公益市场化""公益商业化""公益向右,商业向左"等,进行了批判性回应,为人类的公益发展指明了方向。 The relationship between the public welfare and business is becoming into the question of era.Some researchers criticized the efficiency and sustainability of public welfare,denied the rationality and legitimacy of moral,and gave up the altruism of human nature from the perspective of business.They argued that public welfare should not only learn from the techniques of business and also abandon its own basic values.In the Dao and Skill,business ought to dominate the public welfare and public welfare was affiliated with the business.This approach of dealing with the relationship of public welfare and business was the business-centered perspective,which would finally erode the basics of society and business.As an alternative approach to deal with the relationship of public welfare and business,the public welfare-centered perspective was proposed.Through a new framework of analyzing the relationship between the public welfare and business,we clarified the logical relationship of them from the elements of the framework,which included the human nature,values,norms of resources uses,macro-process mechanism,the interaction between the public welfare and business,the links among these elements.We proposed that the public welfare could not be reduced to the business which had its own basis of human nature and logics.More specially,this article constructed a new approach of "goodness-oriented human nature "to studying the relationship between the public welfare and business,which provided the basic ethics and theoretical foundations of public welfare developments.Based on the "goodness-oriented human nature",we critically responded to a serial of conflicting issues in the public welfare namely "the marketization of public welfare","the commercialization of public welfare","toward right of public welfare,toward left of business",and offered a new way for public welfare developments.
作者 康晓光
出处 《公共管理与政策评论》 2018年第3期17-35,共19页 Public Administration and Policy Review
关键词 公益 商业 公益市场化 义利之辨 Public Welfare Business the Marketization of Public Welfare Debate on the Righteousness and Interest
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