目的探讨PDE-4与CREB在创伤后应激障碍(post-traumatic stress disorder,PTSD)大鼠杏仁核内的表达变化,为进一步阐明PTSD增强恐惧记忆机制研究提供基础。方法成年雄性大鼠40只,随机分为PTSD模型1d、7d、14d组及正常对照组,采用单一连续刺激(single-prolonged stress,SPS)方法建立PTSD模型,应用免疫组化及Real-time PCR方法检测大鼠杏仁核PDE-4及CREB蛋白表达及mRNA表达变化。结果 PTSD造模后1d PDE-4蛋白表达显著降低,于PTSD 7d时降至最低,第14d时回升,但仍显著低于正常,PDE-4mRNA表达与蛋白表达同步变化;CREB蛋白在PTSD造模后1d表达显著增加,在PTSD 7d时升至最高,第14d时下降,但仍显著高于正常,其m PNA表达与蛋白表达同步变化。结论创伤应激刺激能诱发大鼠杏仁核PDE-4和CREB的表达变化,且PDE-4和CREB表达呈反向变化。
Objective To investigate PDE-4 and CREB expressions in the amygdala of rats with post-traumatic stress disorder( PTSD),in order to clarify the pathogenesis of fear memory enhancement in PTSD. Methods 40 male wistar rats were randomly divided into 1d,7d,14 d groups of PTSD and the normal control group. The SPS( single-prolonged stress,SPS) method was used to set up the rat PTSD models. we used immunohistochemistry and Real-time PCR to detect the protein and mRNA expressions of PDE-4 and CREB.Results After PTSD stimulation,the protein expression of PDE-4 decreased significantly in comparison with that of the normal control group,plummeted on PTSD 7d,and then increased on PTSD 14 d,but was still significantly lower than normal. PDE-4 mRNA expression synchronously changed with protein expression. In the PTSD groups,the protein level of CREB increased on day 1 of PTSD,peaked on PTSD 7d,and then decreased on PTSD 14 d,but was still significantly higher than normal. The mRNA expression synchronously changed with protein expression. Conclusion Traumatic stress stimulation can induce PDE-4 and CREB expression changes in the amygdala of rats. Moreover,the expressions of PDE-4 and CREB are negatively correlated.
Chinese Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry