试验池将斜板作为厌氧消化单元的填料以提高装置截留污泥的能力。处理生活污水的试验结果表明 :COD ,BOD和SS去除率分别为 72 .9%~ 74 .2 % ,73.0 %~ 84 .8%和 89.2 %~ 89.5 % ;除BOD外 ,主要出水指标分别达到了国家《污水综合排放标准》二级标准和无害化要求 ;
It was in order to improve the capability retaining sludge in the anaerobic digestion tank with inclined blade settlers in this pilot sewage treatment system. The results showed that the removal rate of COD, BOD and SS were respectively in the range of 72.9%~74.2%, 73.0%~84.8% and 89.2%~89.5%; except BOD, the main effluent parameters had met the discharge requirement of national standards; the process was feasible both in economy and technology.
China Biogas