德庆县林科所从 1 980~ 2 0 0 0年广泛开展了以生物措施为主、工程措施为辅的水土流失综合治理 ,并取得了显著的成效 ,森林覆盖率提高了 70 % ,1 4 1个崩岗的侵蚀得到了基本控制 ,治理程度达 89.6 %。
Deqing county have very serious erosion. From 1980 to 2000, Deqing Forest Research Institute develops integrated soil erosion management and achived remarkable effect. The management used forest grass measures for soil and water conservation as main measures, and also used some technical measures.For 20 years effort, the forest coverage increased 70%, 141 collapsing hills soil erosion have been mainly controled. \;
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province