应用抑太保防治马尾松毛虫 4~ 5龄幼虫 ,2 4h后害虫开始死亡 ,第 4天达到死亡高峰 ,第 1 0天虫口校正减退率平均达 84 %以上 ;防治药剂费用 3.0元 /hm2 ,具有见效快、防治成本低的优点 。
Dimilin Ⅲ cant control 4~5 instar of Dendrolimus punctatus quickly, but the experiment results shows that Chlorfluazuron can do this. Using 1 g/L solution of 5% Chlorfluazuron spray the forest, after 24 hours, the 4~5 instar being to die and reach its die peak at the fouth day. The corrected population decrement was up to 84% at the teenth day. Except for its evident control effect, Chlorfluazuron are also more economic than Dimilin Ⅲ, it only cost 3 yuan/hm 2, which reduce 67% cost than the Dimilin Ⅲ.\;
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province