本文简要回顾了竺可桢的办学思想与实践 ,即注意罗致一流的教授、大学的使命是培养领袖人才、重视科学研究、不盲从、不附和、不武断的求是精神 ,阐述了其办学思想与实践对目前大学教授制度、校长的选拔与任用。
This paper briefly reviews Zhu Kezhen's idea and practice of running a university.Such as in the essay include the role of distinguished professors, the cultivation of leadership, the scientific research, and the spirit of unblindness and unarbitrariness. It further explores the enlightenment of his thought to the current system of professorship, the promotion and designation of the principals and the relationship between the university and society.
Modern University Education