
中国“礼仪之争”中反对“文化适应政策”的声音——以《中华帝国的历史、政治、伦理及宗教概论》一书为中心 被引量:1

The Dissenting Voice in the “Chinese Rite Controversy”: With a Focus on Tratados históricos, políticos, éthicos, y religiosos de la monarchia de China
摘要 来华耶稣会士与多明我会士皆自16世纪末开始译介中国典籍并将之刊行于西方世界。由于双方在传教理念上的差异及其对于中国文化元素的不同定位,他们围绕"祭祖祭孔"礼仪的性质以及"上帝"译名问题出现意见分歧,致使来华传教士团体分裂为"支持文化适应政策"和"反对文化适应政策"两派。本文拟以多明我会来华传教士闵明我的著名论著《中华帝国的历史、政治、伦理及宗教概论》(Tratados históricos,políticos,éthicos,y religiosos de la monarchia de China.Madrid,1676)为中心,考察反对适应中国文化政策一派的观点,试图呈现当时来华不同修会的天主教传教士对于中国文化,尤其是儒学思想的真实看法。 Since the end of the 16^(th) century, both the Jesuits and Dominicans, after their long-term living in China, began to translate the Chinese classics and publish them in the Western world. Based on their in-depth understanding of Chinese language and culture, they became the founders of 'China Knowledge' and speakers for questions related to China. Because of their differences in mission methods and inconsistent views on Chinese culture, there occurred sharp disputations on the nature of Chinese ritual for worship toward Confucius and ancestors. The foreign missionaries in China also split in two groups: those for the cultural Accommodation Policy and those against it. Using Tratados históricos, políticos, éthicos, y religiosos de la monarchia de China(Madrid 1676) written by the Dominican Domingo Navarrete(1618-1686) as example, this essay investigates the understanding and arguments of the opponents of the Accommodation Policy, so that the different opinions on Chinese culture, especially on Confucianism, among the Catholic missionaries in China of the Qing Dynasty can be more comprehensively presented.
作者 罗莹
出处 《国际汉学》 CSSCI 2016年第2期44-51,202,共9页 International Sinology
基金 国家社科基金青年项目(项目编号:15CZJ012)的阶段性成果 北京外国语大学基本科研业务费资助
关键词 儒学 耶稣会士 多明我会士 礼仪之争 Confucianism Jesuits Dominicans Rites Controversy
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