
康乾时期第三方视角下的四川土司——以白日昇、李安德二神父的书信和日记为中心 被引量:1

Sichuan Chieftains in the Kangxi and Qianlong Periods:Focus on the Correspondence of Fr.Jean Basset and the Diary of Fr.André Ly
摘要 18世纪上半叶,在两位巴黎外方传教会神父白日昇和李安德的法文书信和拉丁文日记中,留下了一些关于四川土司的记载。他们笔下所呈现的四川土司,有别于习见的中文史料,是来自第三方视角的观察。这些记载或许可以在一定程度上更新我们对清中期土司的认知。经考证,我们基本认定白日昇所记录的四川土司为瓦寺和天全土司。他所勾勒的瓦寺地区的信仰、习俗、战争、传教等活动,为我们留下了宝贵的历史细节;他对于天全土司高一柱的生动描绘,透过沉闷的历史文献,复活了一位康熙时期川西土司的生活画面。李安德在日记中对大金川之役的叙述,是当时罕见的批评清政府的史料,在大金川土司莎罗奔与乾隆帝之间,他倾向于同情前者,认为清军所宣扬的胜利,是一出欺人的戏剧。借此,我们可以了解当不必顾虑"文字之祸"时,一个乾隆时期可自由表达的中国底层知识分子的真实态度和声音。 In the first half of eighteenth century,two Fathers of Paris Foreign Missions Jean Basset and AndréLi left some records on the chieftains of Sichuan in their French correspondence and Latin diary.They presented the chieftains of Sichuan from a third-party perspective,which is different from usual Chinese historical materials.These records might renew our understanding of the chieftain in the middle of the Qing dynasty to some extent.Through research,we have almost surely identified the chieftains described by Jean Basset as that of Tianquan and Wasiin Sichuan.Jean Basset sketched the beliefs,customs,wars,and other missionary activities in Wasi area and left us with valuable historical details; he depicted the Tianquan Chieftain Gao Yizhu and revived a living picture of a chieftain in western Sichuan in the Kangxi period from the dull historical documents.AndréLi described in his diary the first Jinchuan War.At that time,it was a rare criticism of the Qing government.Between the Chieftain of Dajinchuan Shaluoben and the Qianlong Emperor,he tended to sympathize with the former.He viewed the victory boasted by the Qing government as just a deceptive drama.Through this we may learnthe real attitude and opinion of a Chinese intellectual from the lower level of society in the Qianlong period who didn't need to worry about the literary inquisition.
作者 李华川
出处 《国际汉学》 CSSCI 2016年第4期113-119,202-203,共9页 International Sinology
基金 国家社科基金2012年度重大招标项目"中国土司制度史料编纂整理与研究"(项目编号:12&ZD135)的阶段性成果
关键词 土司 瓦寺 天全 大金川 白日昇 李安德 chieftain Wasi Tianquan Dajinchuan Jean Basset André Ly
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