

The Shandong Peninsula in Northeast Asian Maritime History during the Yuan-Ming Transition
摘要 元朝时期(1271~1368),政府鼓励民众积极参与海外贸易,山东半岛因其优越的地理位置而成为中国与朝鲜半岛、日本之间贸易、文化和人口交流的重要场所之一。元末,国内征战不断,昔日的贸易活动大受其扰,倭寇也乘机开始侵掠山东沿海地区。 In the Yuan dynasty (1271 ~1368),the government encouraged people to conduct maritime trade with other countries, and the Shandong Peninsula of China, especially Dcngzhou,was an important region of exchange for international trade, knowledge and culture as well as human beings between China, Korea, and Japan. However, Wokou (lit. Japanese bandits) began to raid Shandong in the late Yuan, when civil wars disordered commercial activities in China. The causes of wokou raids are very complicated, and we should put our research into a wider context of the East Asian region to analyze it from different perspectives. Besides these traditional reasons, such as the turbulent situation in Japan and the weakness of coastal defence in Korea and China* the influence of natural disasters including droughts, typhoons, epidemics, pestilence and inundations, especially temperature change, should be considered seriously at the same time. In my opinion, there is a close relation between temperature changes and wokou raids. In the early Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644), wokou continued to raid its coastal regions, which had a bad influence on people's life. In order to suppress wokou, the Ming government initiated a maritime prohibition policy and strengthened its coastal defence in Shandong, and then Shandong became an important military base. From the above analysis, we can see the big different functions of Shandong Peninsula from an important commercial entrepot in the Yuan to a crucial military base in Ming times. By studying the typical case of Shandong, which played a significant role in the development of the Northeast Asian maritime networks in ancient China,I hope my study can help scholars thoroughly understand the changes during the Yuan — Ming rupture in the larger geopolitical, global context of Northeast Asia.
作者 MA Guang MA Guang
机构地区 不详
出处 《国家航海》 2018年第2期171-172,共2页 National Maritime Research
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