计算机控制技术是控制类专业的必修课程,这门课程涉及面十分广泛,具有很强的实践性和理论性。计算机控制技术教学过程中中所介绍的算法绝大多数都是直接通过Matlab程序来演示算法,但是这种方法手动的查找翻阅源程序和更改参数都非常麻烦,而且代码本身的抽象性无法使学生对算法形成直观的印象。基于Matlab GUI的计算机控制技术教学演示系统,将仿真程序封装在GUI界面中,通过相对友好的人机交互界面使学生更加直观的学习算法知识,为课堂教学提供极大的便利。
Computer control technology is a strongly practical and theoreticalcourse as is a required course for control specialty,which covers a wide range of subjects. Most of the algorithms in computer control technology course can be simulated by Matlab. The Matlab program is being directly used to demonstrate the algorithm,it can make students understand the simulation results of the algorithm,the method is not very convenient or counducive for the students to form a visual impression. The teaching demonstration system based on Matlab GUI of computer control technology in this paper installs simulation system into GUI platform. Students can learn more directly about the algorithm through relatively friendly human- computer surface which provides great convenience for teaching.
Research and Practice on Higher Education