
中国的“互利共赢开放战略”与国际经济新秩序的建构 被引量:1

China’s “Mutually Beneficial and Win-WinStrategy” and the Establishment of NewInternational Economic Order
摘要 全球经济稳定增长,越来越依赖于公正合理的国际经济新秩序的建构。中国参与深度推进国际经济新秩序的主客观条件日渐成熟,中国所倡导的互利共赢发展战略构成了中国在新形势下建构国际经济新秩序的基点。在与南北两类成员实现共同发展的同时,中国将自身的发展与世界经济的发展融为一体,最大限度地兼顾了各方利益,并形成了多种合作机制,逐步在推动以WTO为核心的多边贸易、以中国与东盟为中心的'10+1'合作框架的区域机制,以及围绕中美战略经济对话的深化为主导的双边体制中得到了彰显。中国经贸外交新格局与建立国际经济析秩序之间的互动格局已初见端倪。 The steady growth of global economy has been increasingly depended on the establishment of a just order of international economy.In china,the subjective and objective conditions of advancing the establishment of the new order of international economy have been increasingly ripe.Now,China is facing many questions,such es how to express Chinese perspectives,what way it should choose and how to achieve the maximum economic interests of china.In the article,the author emphasizes that China's“mutually beneficial and win-win strategy"should become the principle of the establishment of new international economic order.While developing together with both South and North countries,China should integrate itself into the world economy to balance the multilevel interests and to build various cooperative mechanisms.We should promote the WTO-centered multilateral trade,“10+1“cooperative framework between China and the ASEAN,and the bilateral mechanism in relation to deepening Sino-US Strategic Economic Dialogue.
作者 徐泉 Xu Quan
出处 《国际经济法学刊》 CSSCI 2009年第3期97-111,共15页 Journal of International Economic Law
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