
中国是“威胁”还是“机遇”?评陈安教授驳斥“黄祸”与“中国威胁”谰言的长篇专论——一项研究与解读当代世界政治的重大贡献 被引量:1

China— "Threat" or "Opportunity" ? On Professor An Chen’s Article Rebutting "Yellow Peril"/"China Threat" Calumnies——An Important Contribution to the Study and Understanding of Contemporary World Politics
摘要 在当代政治理论、社会科学领域,发达强权国家精心设计、长期培育并持续蔓延的全球'知识霸权',俯拾即是,这也是北方国家全球帝国战略的一个重要组成部分。这种'知识霸权'刻意在发展中国家中激起憎华、恐华、反华的情绪,贬低中国在这些国家发展进程中的表现与贡献。当前,在不少政府、媒体以及学术界普遍盛行随风趋同、作茧自缚或者盲从西方主流虚构谬论的背景下,陈安教授撰写的驳斥所谓'黄祸'与'中国威胁'谰言的专论,乃是一篇力排'众议'、不可多得的文章,它分析透彻并且富有启迪意义,是一项研究与解读当代世界政治的重大贡献。中国乃至其他发展中国家的领导人、决策者和智囊舆论人士们,都应阅读并研究陈安教授的这篇文章,汲收其中的深刻见解和建议。对于那些想研究或理解当今中国与西方关系的人们来说,这也是一篇'必读'文章。笔者结合数十年来投身于南南合作事业的丰富实践经历,对当代南北矛盾的曲折发展进程作出深刻剖析,并殷切期待中国在强化南南合作、开展南北平等对话中,与巴西、印度、南非等国共同充分发挥'火车头'作用。 The continued global"intellectual hegemony",projected and carefully nurtured by the North,is conspicuous in the domain of political theory and social sciences,and represents an important supportive ingredient of the North’s global empire strategy.This"intellectual hegemony"deliberately arouses in developing countries such emotions as hatred,fear and hostility towards China,and depreciates China’s contribution to these countries’development.At a time when comformity,selfcensorship or resignation vis-a-vis the reigning storyline is widelyspread in governments,the media,as well as the academia,Professor An Chen’s treatise,which rebuts the so called"Yellow Peril"and"China Threat"calumnies,is a larruping and rare article.With its thorough analysis and great enlightening power,that article is indeed a major contribution to the study and understanding of contemporary world politics.Sincerely people would expect leaders,policy-and opinion-makers,not only in China,but also in other developing countries,to read and study Professor Chen’s article and absorb the insights and conclusions presented by the author.For those who would like to research or understand current relationship between China and the West,this article should also be included in their reading list.With his rich practical experience in the campaign of South-South Cooperation,the author makes a penetrating analysis of the devious development process of South-North Conflict,and sincerely hopes that China,together with Brazil,India and South Africa,will play a locomotive role in strengthening South-South Cooperation and South-North Equal Dialogue.
出处 《国际经济法学刊》 CSSCI 2013年第2期47-78,共32页 Journal of International Economic Law
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