

The Development of the Rule of Exhaustion of Local Remedies in Individual-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism——A Comparison between the Human Rights System and the Investment System
摘要 用尽当地救济规则是外交保护制度中一项重要的国际习惯法规则,在人权和投资领域的个人—国家争端解决机制中亦占据一席之地。但在人权体制和投资体制下,用尽当地救济规则却呈现出不同的发展轨迹,前者一以贯之,后者却曲折变动。究其原因,主要在于国际人权保护体制和国际投资体制的理论基础不同、关涉的利益层级不同以及外部影响因素不同。鉴于中国在国际人权法和国际投资法下已有相当程度的实践,探讨用尽当地救济规则实为必要。人权保护体制下,中国应坚决接受用尽当地救济规则的适用;而在投资保护体制下,中国则应对该规则给予重视并谨慎对待。 The rule of exhaustion of local remedies is an important rule of international customary law in diplomatic protection system,and its application extends to human rights system and investment system afterwards.Particularly,it plays an important role in individual—state dispute settlement mechanism.Within the system of human rights protection and the system of investment protection,the rule of exhaustion of local remedies has gone through rather different developing paths.When exploring the reasons behind the phenomenon,the difference of theoretical basis,the difference of hierarchy of interests and the difference of external factors should be the answer.Since China has already had certain practice in international human rights law and international investment law,it is of great necessity to give an analysis on the rule.Within the system of human rights protection,China should definitely adopt the application of the rule of local remedies.While within the system of investment law,China should attach more importance to the rule and treat it with caution.
作者 倪小璐 Ni Xiaolu
机构地区 厦门市法制局
出处 《国际经济法学刊》 CSSCI 2018年第3期83-96,共14页 Journal of International Economic Law
关键词 用尽当地救济规则 人权 投资 中国的选择 The Rule of Exhaustion of Local Remedies Human Rights Investment Choice of China
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