“Welcome to visit my institute!It is on a beautiful campus next to a lake and a mountain!”Little did I know that Heidi(王杰),a visiting researcher from China,was in fluent English giving me the quintessential Chinese logic to describe the beauty of her home:“有山有水”.We were sitting in our shared office with two other American students and one Indian student at my university in Texas.She was giving an open invitation to any of us to come as visiting researchers to the Nanjing Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences.Until that time,I had never considered the possibility of visiting China,much less living there one day,and even less still raising a family in the Middle Kingdom.None-the-less,only a few months later,Heidi was sitting in that same offi ce with me and my wife,Alycia,watching over her shoulder as she helped us fill out an on-line application form in characters that seemed strange and mysterious.
Jeremy Landon Darilek(Xi’an Bai Bei Technical Agriculture Consulting Company)
International Talent