
真诚对话、互学互鉴、合作共赢 让世界和世界各国人民都好

International Environment Needed for the Modernization of China'sState Governance System
摘要 早在1920年11月,中国人民的伟大领袖毛泽东主席就指出:“世界主义,愿自己好,也愿别人好,质言之,即愿大家好的主义。殖民政策,只愿自己好,不愿别人好,质言之,即损人利己的政策。”1954年4月,毛泽东主席又明确表示:“中国愿意同一切国家包括美国在内和平共处”,“一切问题应通过谈判来解决,打仗的办法不好。”习近平主席在多个场合多次论述了世界各国要加强真诚对话、互学互鉴、合作共赢,让世界和世界各国人民都好的相关精神与要旨。在纪念中国共产党95周年的大会上,习近平总书记又明确指出:“今天的人类比以往任何时候都更有条件共同朝着和平与发展的目标迈进。中国主张各国人民同心协力,变压力为动力,化危机为生机,以合作取代对抗,以共赢取代独占。什么样的国际秩序和全球治理体系对世界好、对世界各国人民好,要由各国人民商量,不能由一家说了算,不能由少数人说了算。”中国国家治理体系现代化需要“真诚对话、互学互鉴、合作共赢,让世界和世界各国人民都好”的国际秩序和全球治理体系:第一,必须承认世界文化和文明的多样性。第二,必须坚持尊重和维护各国自主选择社会制度和发展道路的权利。第三,必须坚持和维护不同文化和文明间的平等对话。第四,必须坚持各种不同文化、文明之间的相互学习和借鉴。第五,必须对本土文化和文明,坚持自尊、自爱、自信、自立,做到固本守源。 As early as in November 1920,the great leader of Chinese people Chairman Mao has pointed out:“Cosmopolitanism benefits all while colonialism harms others to benefit oneself.”In April 1954,Chairman Mao made it clear that“China is willing to coexist peacefully with all other countries,including the United States”and that“all problems should be solved through negotiations and war is not a good way.”President Xi Jinping has elaborated on multiple occasions that all countries should conduct sincere dialogues,learn from each other,pursue win-win cooperation,and follow the spirits and ideas that benefit the world and peoples of all countries.At the commemoration of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the PRC,Xi Jinping stated that:“Humanity in our era,compared to any previous times,has more favorable conditions to forge ahead towards peace and development.China advocates that people of all countries work together to change pressure into impetus,crisis into opportunities;replace confrontation with cooperation,monopoly with win-win.What kind of international order and global governance system are beneficial to the world and people of all countries should be decided by peoples of all countries together through discussion,rather than by one country or by the minority.”The modernization of China's state governance needs an international order and global governance system that feature“sincere dialogs,mutual learning,winwin cooperation,and benefits to the world and people of all countries”:first,we should recognize the diversity of world cultures and civilizations;second,we should respect and safeguard the rights of all countries to choose their own social system and development path by themselves;third,we should stick to dialogues on equal basis between different cultures and civilizations;fourth,different cultures and civilizations should learn from each other and draw on each other's experience;fifth,we should not only respect,love,have faith in and support our local culture and civilization,but also strengthen and protect them.
作者 李慎明 Li Shenming
出处 《国家治理现代化研究》 2017年第1期3-12,349-350,共11页 Research on Modernization of State Governance
关键词 世界文明多样性 中华优秀传统文化 对话沟通 合作共赢 Diversity of World Civilization Outstanding Traditional Chinese Culture Dialogue and Communication Win-Win
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