让歌剧迷一而再再而三地走进剧院,其原因之一,是有意料不到的惊喜。当你不抱太多期望坐进剧场,以为不外平又是一场听听音乐简单度过一晚的演出,但没想到,一个新的声音,却让你竖起耳朵,赶紧拿起望远镜看个究竟。此刻,所有强迫自己从家里或从办公室里起身来到剧院的努力都值了。大都会歌剧院本季演出的《玛侬》,就带给了众人惊喜。女高音戴安娜·达姆劳(Diana Damrau)和男高音维托里奥·格里戈洛(Vittorio Grigolo)合作出演了马斯内的《玛侬》
One of the reasons driving opera fans to see the same opera repeatedly is the chance of discovery:a new singer,established singers stretching themselves,a conductor mining new meaning from the music,an engrossing performance that made repertory opera sound new.This last scenario happened this season when the Metropolitan Opera presented Jules Massenet's Manon.Diana Damrau and Vittorio Grigolo were so committed and so passionate together that you almost felt as if they were living in the moment as opera's No.1 material girl and her doomed lover des Grieux.They made the hottest couple on the Met stage for quite a few seasons.