蜀龙动物群(Shunosaurus fauna)是新发现的一个恐龙动物群。它主要产于四川盆地的下沙溪庙组和西藏昌都地区的察雅群。目前最具有代表性的一个化石产地是自贡市的大山铺。大山铺恐龙化石的发掘和报道已引起国内外古生物工作者极大兴趣。1981年4月,日本朝日新闻社派记者采访了该化石产地的发掘现场。同年应朝日新闻社之要求,经中国科学院批准将在该化石点采集到的一具完整的剑龙头骨。
A middle jurassic assimblege of dinosaurian fossil was found at Dashanpe in Zigong city, Sichuan Province, in winter in 1979 and 1980. It was named Shunosaurus fauna consisting of abundant sauropods, carnosaurs and stegosaurs etc. All of these specimens will deal with in a Memoir in a rather long time. A new genus and species of stegosaur, Huayangosaurus taibaii was established and described primely in this note. The main characters of the new form are follows: The primitive and median stegosaurid is 4 meters long. The jugal is of normal development and two supraorbital elements are present. There is a developed coronoid process of mandible, a small antiorbital fenestra in the maxillary and a small posterior foramen in the suragular. The premaxillary bears teeth with denticutale margins in the crown and no cingula at the base. In the sacral region there are four co-ossified vertebrae spines of sacral series has become firmly coalesced with each other, forming a lower blade, with three pairs of perforated notch in it. The bony plates and spines vary in shape on the back. Some writers believed that the suborder could have its European origin, but the primitive Huayangosaurus found in Sichuan basin seems to indicate that it might posses its origin in Eastern Asia.
Vertebrata Palasiatica