本文记述山东诸城、临沂、峄县等地的几件诺氏古菱齿象臼齿和门齿化石。臼齿标本一般大于这个种(Palaeoloxodo naumanni)的已知相应标本。诸城和峄县的M^3齿型较宽,接近于张席禔(1964)描述的北京怀柔的标准纳玛象(Palaeoloxodon namadicus namadi)。
These descriptions are some M3 of Palaeoloxodon naumanni in this paper. These specimens of fossils are collected from Upper Pleistocene of Zhucheng, Linyi and Yixian of Shantung province. These molars are rather large than M3 of Palaeoloxodon naumanni from western, Beijing (Zhou, M. C., 1957) and P. narnadicus naumanni from Jiangsu (Chang HsiChih, 1964). The molar (No. 750394) from Zhueheng is rather large and broader (the total length 340 mm; the greatest width of ridge-plate 92 mm) than that of P. namadicus namadi (typicus) from Huaiyou, Belling (Chang Hsi-Chih, 1964). It's number of ridge-plate 19, lammelar frequency 5—7; at last two ridge-plates show patterns after wearing: point (....), the middle part of the 4th, 5th and 6th three ridge-plates show rhomboidal patterns and with median sinus; enamel layer about 2 mm in thickhess. Although it's large and broader, but its structure and number of lammelar frequency is much alike that of Palaeoloxodon naumanni from western, Beijing (Zhou, M. C., 1957) and P. namadicus naumanni from Jiangsu (Chang Hsi-Chih, 1964). So that ascribe one to the Palaeoloxodon naumanni. And so are M^3 from Yixian. The molar (No. 750381) from Linyi is longer and narrower (total length 340 mm; the greatest width of ridge-plate 72 mm) than that of P. namadicus namadi (typicus) (Chang Hsi-Chih, 1964), belongs to the narrow-tooth type clearly. Its number of lammelar frequency (5—6) and wearing patterns (show the rhombs and points) of ridge-plates as well as that of P. naumanni (Chow, M. C., 1957) and P. namadicus naumanni. Certainly that belongs to the Palaeoloxodon naumanni. These specimens are first described fossils of Palaeoloxodon naumanni in Shandong provinee of China.
Vertebrata Palasiatica
Shantung Palaeoloxodon naumanni Molars