A new Pleistocene Caprinae (Capricornis sumatraensis guilinensis subsp, nov.), is diseribed in the present paper. The fossil were collected at Chuanshan Cave Guilin County, Kwangsi Province. Beside this new subspecies, the deposits in the cave contains Ailuropoda melanoleuca baconi. The new subspecies is characterized by the size slightly larger than Capricornis sumatraensis Bechstein; in the new form, the postpalatal notches are stated to be behind the line of the posterior border of M^3, while in C. s. milne-edwardsii and C. s. argyrochaetes the notches extend forward beyong the posterior border of M^3. The new form also differs from the C. s. kanjereus and C. s. qinlingcnsis, which has external ribs stronger, both on molars and premolars, while in C. s. guilinensis the external ribs weaker, on cheek teeth. Judging from the above characters, specimen of Guilin, C. s. guilinensis subsp, nov., represented a new form of Capricornis.
Vertebrata Palasiatica