目的 了解太原铁路管区法定传染病的病谱变化规律和发生、死亡的长期变化规律。方法 以历年法定报告传染病月报表为依据 ,计算发病率、死亡率和病死率 ,并用COX -Stuart检验进行发病趋势分析。结果 195 3 -2 0 0 0年 ,太原铁路管区共报告法定传染病 2 1种 ,年平均发病率 1767 17/ 10万 ,年平均死亡率 4 72 / 10万 ,发病与死亡均呈下降趋势。在各类传染病中 ,呼吸道传染病发病率下降幅度较大 ,肠道传染病从 60年代开始发病高于呼吸道传染病并一直居首位 ,其中主要是痢疾 ;几种主要传染病流行趋势显示 :流行性出血热发病呈上升趋势 ,计划免疫针对疾病和伤寒发病呈下降趋势 ,肝炎、痢疾、猩红热、斑疹伤寒发病升降趋势不明显。结论 肠道传染病、性病和肺结核是今后一段时期传染病防治的重点。
Objective To study the disease type and epidemic trend of notifiable in Taiyuan railway area.Methods Data from annual Taiyuan railway notifiable infectious disease statistics (1953-2000) were analyzed by COX-Stuart test.Results An epidemiological analysis of 21 notifiable infectious diseases (1953-2000) was carried out in Taiyuan railway area.The average incidence rate was 1767.17×10 -5 ;the average motality was 4.72×10 -5 ;The enteric infectious disease was the first of all infectious diseases;the chief of the enteric infectious disease was dysentery;the incidence of EHF was rising yearly;the incidence of typhoid fever and vaccine-prevented diseases was decreasing every year;the incidence of viral hepatitis' dysentevy,scarlatina and typhus was no distinet change. Conclusions The enteric infectious diseases,STD and lung teberculosis will be the key points to be controlled in the future.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information