许多复杂理论体系的实质与其方法论密不可分。马克思、恩格斯共识于“价值是对效用和劳动花费的衡量”。在这里 ,“价值”与“生产力”同义。可以说 ,马克思主义价值理论是“生产力价值论”。但是 ,这种价值理论在《资本论》各卷中的展述却是按照“从抽象上升到具体”的方法 ,从抽象的“劳动价值论”(简称“劳价论”)出发 ,一步一步上升为“具体”的。细读之 ,可以发现 ,每向“具体”前进一步 ,都靠使劳价论与某种突现使用价值决定性的理论相结合而完成 ,其理论实质是使劳价论被纳入唯物史观框架。其中包括第二卷指出的一旦要具体考察社会总资本的流通 ,就不能只囿于劳价论 ,还要考虑社会规模的使用价值即社会效用 ,并依此建立了再生产理论 ;第三卷又进而指出 ,从总体上考察资本主义生产 ,更不能囿于第一卷对价值规律的抽象论述 ,而要充分理解 :价值规律的进一步展开 ,包括了对社会规模的使用价值即社会效用决定意义的含纳 ,此即宏观的“效用 /劳动价值论”。显然 ,从方法论层面看 ,马、恩的价值理论不限于劳价论 ,它是由抽象劳价论上升为具体的宏观“效用 /劳动价值论”
ion to concretion', or form the abstract labor theory of value to concretion one. Reading carefully. we may find out, every step toward 'concretion' is finished by both labor theory of value and utility. Theory of value. really, the theory depends on 'The system of historical materialism.' In the second volumn of 'Capital', if looking into the total social capital circulation, we should notice not only the labor theory of value but also the social utility, and the social value in use; hence forth the reproduction theory is founded. And in the third volumn. We would not stop at rule of value in first volumn described abstractly. We should have the view that rule of value has one of meanings determined by social utility. Which is 'utility/labor theory of value'. So the theory is not limited to the Labor theory of Value, but a system of 'Utility / Labor Theory of Value'.
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology(Social Science Edition)