
基于休闲专门化的休闲骑行者类型及其特征研究 被引量:1

Research on the Type and Feature of Recreational Cyclists by Recreational Specialization
摘要 随着中国大城市自行车道建设的恢复以及近年来共享单车的普及,休闲骑行逐渐成为我国城市居民日常休闲活动的重要选择。休闲骑行群体迅速扩大的同时也不断分化,一部分骑行者购买专业装备在城市公共空间开展更有挑战的骑行活动。这为休闲骑行的管理提出了难题。以南京218位休闲骑行者为样本,基于休闲专门化水平对其进行分类,并分析他们在休闲约束和社会人口特征方面的差异。研究表明,休闲骑行者根据休闲专门化水平由低到高依次分为:偶骑者、活跃者和专业者。研究进一步表明,无论何种类型休闲骑行者,对他们影响最大的都是人际约束,即缺乏同伴或团队。偶骑者自身约束的门槛很高,制约了他们进一步专门化。专业者则主要受专业团队建设和休闲时间约束。根据研究结果提出了一系列针对性的管理建议。 With the construction of bicycle lane and popularity of sharing bike which means provide basic bicycle facilities in China, recreational cycling has been gradually becoming an important choice of their leisure activity for urban residents. Under such circumstance, more and more people are becoming urban recreational cyclists, but on the other hand some recreational cyclists are using skilled exercise bicycles to participate in more challenging recreational cycling activities which can help them improve their levels of recreational specialization in urban public space.As a result, different subgroups with different level of recreational specialization have emerged among recreational cyclists. The level of recreational specialization is constrained by a number of factors which are called leisure constraints, so recreational cyclists of different subgroups have distinct characteristics and different degree of perceived leisure constraints. It is hard to meet the needs of public facilities and service of different subgroups among recreational cyclists.This study examined recreational specialization of recreational cyclists and classified recreational cyclists according to their level of recreational specialization. The investigators conducted a survey of 194 recreational cyclists in Nanjing and used the factor-clustering method to identify three distinct segments, namely casual group, active group, and predicated group. The level of recreational specialization of these three groups increases in turn. This study also discusses the differences of perceived leisure constraints and demographic characteristics among different segments through ANOVA. The results are as follows.Firstly, in recreational cyclists’ process of developing from casual group to active group and then predicated group. The higher their level of recreational specialization, the fewer perceived leisure constraints are imposed. Secondly, the result shows that no matter which subgroup the recreational cyclist belongs to, the most influential leisure constraint is interpersonal constraint which means lack of partners who participate in the same activity together. It can be concluded that companion or team is very important for recreational cyclists of three subgroups. Thirdly, recreational cyclists of casual group are greatly influenced by interpersonal constraints which restrict their further development, while recreational cyclists of predicated group are more affected by structural constraints,especially by lack of leisure time. At last, as the level of recreational specialization increases, the average age and income of each subgroup are increasing. Compared with the other two subgroups, recreational cyclists of predicated group are more interested in challenging themselves, and have enough money to buy skilled exercise bicycles which can help them do professional training to improve their levels, but they often don’t have enough time to participate in activities because of busy work and children.This study focuses on the generality of the different levels of specialization when people engage in leisure activities, explanations and discussions on the results, and managemental suggestion are also provided to meet the needs of public facilities and service of different subgroups. Recreational cycling organization is useful for three subgroups. For casual group, it is very important to focus on how to increase the attractiveness of recreational cycling. For active group and predicated group, improving the challenge of the activity is more valuable.
作者 梁增贤 黄晓萍 LIANG Zengxian;HUANG Xiaoping(School of Tourism Management,Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangzhou 510275,China)
出处 《旅游论坛》 2019年第1期45-52,共8页 Tourism Forum
关键词 休闲专门化 休闲约束 休闲骑行 聚类分析 recreational specialization leisure constraints recreational cycling cluster analysis
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