
近十年国内外商务旅游研究回顾与展望 被引量:1

Review and Prospect of Domestic and Foreign Business Tourism Research in the Last Decade
摘要 全球商务旅游实践日新月异,但商务旅游本身还未被视为与个人旅游互补的重要旅游类型,还未被视为组织产出所需的重要投入。针对上述问题,首先利用CiteSpace文献可视化软件分析了国内外商务旅游研究历程,然后详细回顾了2007年以来国内外商务旅游研究进展;进而从内容与方法两个方面比较了国内外相关研究;最后总结了现有研究存在的5个不足:商务旅游认识亟待加强,综合效应探讨还须完善,需求与行为趋势研究不足,企业商务旅游管理研究较弱和优质商务旅游发展理论支撑不足;并针对上述不足,提出了相应的研究展望。 Business tourism refers to the tourism activities conducted by tourists for the purpose of business or profession, which are related to sales, operation management, educational progress, social responsibility, charity work and performance incentives. Business tourism practice is changing rapidly globally and has great development potential in China. However, it has not been regarded as an important tourism type complementary to individual tourism, nor as an important input for organizational output. To solve the above problems, this paper firstly made a visual analysis on the authors and research highlights about the foreign and domestic references, a total of 761, using CiteSpace with keywords analysis method. As far as foreign references are concerned, there are no authoritative scholars, and 12 foreign research topics are presented. For domestic references, there is no centricity for the scholars, and research topics focus on the macroscopic field of business tourism. Then this paper reviewed the contents of research progress at home and abroad since 2007. Foreign references focus on business travelers, the effects of business tourism, the factors influencing business tourism, and business tourism management. Domestic references focus on the business tourism connotation and denotation, business travelers, business tourism development, and business tourism education.Then it compared the foreign and domestic references in terms of content and method, and drew four conclusions: firstly, the connotation and denotation research is characteristic in domestic references;secondly, foreign research on business travelers is more detailed;thirdly, the topics on business tourism development are different;fourthly, other research topics are different. In the end, this paper summarized the existing research deficiencies, which are the importance of business tourism needing to be strengthened, the comprehensive effect of business tourism needing to be improved, the study of business travel demand and behavior trend being insufficient, enterprise business tourism management research being still weak, and the high quality business tourism development being not supported by theory effectively, and finally puts forward corresponding research prospects.
作者 田纪鹏 朱金梁 魏倩倩 蔡晓燕 TIAN Jipeng;ZHU Jinliang;WEI Qianqian;CAI Xiaoyan(School of Tourism and Event Management,Shanghai University of International Business and Economics,Shanghai 201620,China)
出处 《旅游论坛》 2019年第1期86-97,共12页 Tourism Forum
基金 国家社科基金青年项目(15CGL033) 上海对外经贸大学中东欧研究中心项目(Y201701-13) "一带一路"国家经贸关系与合作高等研究院项目(YDYL2018022)
关键词 商务旅游 CiteSpace文献可视化分析 研究回顾 研究展望 business tourism CiteSpace research review research prospect
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