
冰雪弯道视错觉减速标线参数组合设计 被引量:4

Design of Parameter Combination of Visual Illusion Deceleration Markings in Ice and Snow Curve
摘要 公路弯道是道路交通事故频发路段,尤其是在冰雪环境下,车辆事故数是非冰雪天气环境下的14倍。在死亡交通事故致因中,车辆超速和速度不当约占1/3,因此合理控制速度是保障公路弯道处行车安全的重要途径之一。而驾驶员的操作行为主要由获取的视觉信息决定,视觉是驾驶员重要的速度感知源。为了减少冰雪天气环境下公路弯道处的事故发生率,从驾驶员视觉信息角度出发,通过视错觉减速标线的合理设置,提高驾驶员的速度感知能力,达到控速的目的。基于视错觉减速标线作用机理和恒定闪现频率,对标线的颜色、宽度、形状3个设计参数进行正交组合,挑选出具有代表性的9种参数组合方案。采用3ds Max建立仿真试验环境,将驾驶员感知加速率作为指标对不同组合标线的减速效果进行了量化分析,并对试验数据进行了方差分析。结果表明:在冰雪弯道施划减速标线可使驾驶员产生感知车速偏高的错觉,且纵向宽度为0.1 m的绿色梳齿形减速标线具有相对较好的减速效果;在显著水平α=0.01的条件下,减速标线的颜色、宽度及形状对驾驶员的车速感知均具有显著影响,且影响程度由大到小依次为颜色因子>形状因子>宽度因子。 Traffic accidents occur frequently at road curves, especially in ice and snow environment, the number of vehicle accidents is 14 times that in non-ice and snow weather. In the causes of death traffic accidents, overspeed and improper speed account for about 1/3. Therefore, reasonable control of speed is one of the important ways to ensure road safety in road curves. However, the driver’s behavior is mainly determined by the obtained visual information, and visual sense is an important source of driver’s speed perception. To reduce the traffic accidents at road curves in ice and snow environment, from the aspect of driver’s visual information, through the reasonable setting of the visual illusion deceleration markings, driver’s speed perception ability is improved to achieve the purpose of speed control. Based on the mechanism of visual illusion deceleration marking and the constant flash frequency, the design parameters of color, width and shape of marking are orthogonally combined, and 9 representative combinations of parameters are selected. Setting up the simulation experiment environment with 3 ds Max, the driver’s perception acceleration rate is used as the indicator for quantitative analysis of the deceleration effect of different combinations of markings. Then, the variance analysis of experiment data is conducted. The result shows that(1) the decelerating markings in ice and snow road curves can give driver an illusion of higher vehicle speed, and the green comb shaped deceleration markings with longitudinal width of 0.1 m has a relatively good deceleration effect;(2) under the condition of significant level of α=0.01, color, width and shape of deceleration marking has significant influence on driver’s speed perception, and the order of the influencing degree is color factor>shape factor>width factor.
作者 徐良杰 鄢辉武 刘翔禾 XU Liang-jie;YAN Hui-wu;LIU Xiang-he(School of Transportation,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan Hubei 430063,China)
出处 《公路交通科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期124-129,共6页 Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development
基金 吉林省交通运输科技计划项目(2014-1-8) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金专项项目(2015-zy-024)
关键词 交通工程 感知加速率 正交设计 减速标线 冰雪弯道 traffic engineering perceived acceleration rate orthogonal design deceleration marking ice and snow curve
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