
高灰低挥发分煤空气分级燃烧特性研究 被引量:5

Study on Air-staged Combustion of High-Ash and Low-Volatile Coal
摘要 为降低高灰低挥发分煤在燃烧过程中产生的NOx,在研究化学渗透脱挥发分热解模型的基础上,利用气相燃烧的简化机理对计算流体动力学软件模拟煤粉燃烧过程进行改进,并进行空气分级燃烧工况的数值模拟,着重分析高灰低挥发分煤空气分级燃烧的控制机制。通过与未分级燃烧进行比较,发现高灰低挥发分煤采用空气分级燃烧,可以形成还原性气氛来抑制NOx生成,但存在煤粉着火滞后和NOx排放量较高等问题。 In order to reduce the NOxproduced in the combustion of high-ash and low-volatile coal,the simplified mechanism for gas-phase combustion was used to improve Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation on the combustion process of pulverized coal and the numerical simulation of air-staged combustion conditions were carried out on the basis of the study of Chemical Percolation Devolatilization.Then the paper analyzed the control mechanism of airstaged combustion,and found that air-staged combustion was adotped for high-ash and lowvolatile coal to form a reducing atmosphere and suppress the generation of NOx,but there were existing problems such as pulverized coal ignition delay and higher NOxemission,etc.
作者 庞振洲 张清福 林伟康 杨太勇 赵砣 李森 PANG Zhenzhou;ZHANG Qingfu;LIN Weikang;YANG Taiyong;ZHAO Tuo;LI Sen(Harbin Boiler Works Co.,Ltd.,Harbin 150046,China;CLP Huachuang Electric Power Technology Research Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200086,China;Sichuan CLP Fuxi Electric Power Development Co.,Ltd.,Yibin 645152,China;Power and Mechanical Engineering,North China Electric Power University.Baoding 071003,China;State Key Laboratory of High Temperature Gas Dynamics,Institute of Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Science,Beijing 100049,China)
出处 《锅炉技术》 北大核心 2019年第1期40-46,共7页 Boiler Technology
基金 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2016YFB0601503)
关键词 高灰低挥发分煤 NOx 空气分级 数值模拟 high-ash and low-volatile coal NOx air-staged numerical simulation
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