在《汉语大词典》中 ,“青李”条义项①的书证《来禽帖》标点有误 ,“胡笳”条释义不全面 ,“却月眉”条的释义不准确 ,“起夫”和“绣床”条的书证迟后 ,“斗”条的义项⑤引用书证不当。《汉语大词典》
In the Great Chinese Dictionary,under the entry 'Qingli',the punctuation marks in Lai Qintie are erroneous;the explanatory example cited for the first definition of Hujia and the definition of the entry 'Queyue Mei' are incorrect;examples of an earlier age should be cited under the entry'Qifu' and 'Xiuchuang';and for the fifth definition of the entry 'Dou',the explanatory example cited is not appropriate.This article can serve as reference materials in the revision of the Great Chinese Dictionary.
Journal of Sichuan Teachers College (Philosophy & Social Science)