国外管理咨询公司已经在中国经历了3个特点鲜明的时代。 上个世纪90年代初,国外管理咨询公司跟随自己的客户登陆中国。当时国内管理咨询市场还很小,基本上只有麦肯锡、波士顿、科尔尼这几家在争夺跨国公司客户,或者是拿一些非市场化的单子。有人把1997年之前比作管理咨询的“黄金时代”:虽然规模上不去,但是钱还比较好赚一些——至少收费是国际标准。
In 2002, owing to WTO and informationrevolution, Chinese consulting market growsvery soon. Only two years ago, the turnoverof Chinese strategy/management consultingmarket was less than $ 100 million, only 1/10000 of domestic total output value. A lot of large international consultingfirms have changed their traditional strategyin China. KPMG, one of the leading consult-ing firm in the world, plans to develop 500employees in two years. Han consulting, thebiggest consulting firm in China, have 400employees now. In fact, almost all large con-sulting firms in China work over-loaded. Thedomestic projectsare far more thanthey can handle. However,some people warnthat the prosper-ous scene is onlya false appearance.In fact, it glossesover many seriousproblems of Chi-nese consultingmarket.