
社会科学的质性研究与意义的发现 被引量:2

Qualitative Studies in the Social Sciences and the Discovery of their Meaning
摘要 本文试图在社会科学理论传统与田野调研经验对照的基础上,以现象学社会学为思考线索,讨论社会科学的质性研究以及其中的意义发现问题。社会科学的不同流派在研究方面都存在'面对事实本身'的基本要求与'进入事实'的共同态度。从经典社会学的角度来说,质性研究以及发现意义,是社会学最初作为一门'道德科学'的形态,同时也可以成为大学教育的一个有效组成部分。 Based on cross-references between the tradition of social theory and the experience of fieldwork and according to clues from phenomenological sociology,this article discusses the discovery of the meaning of qualitative sociological studies.The various schools of social science all have a similar requirement of ' facing the facts themselves' and an attitude of ' entering the facts'.From the perspective of classical sociology,the discovery of the meaning of qualitative studies is a primary form of sociology as a ' moral science' and thus this should be an important part of university education.
作者 孙飞宇 Sun Feiyu
出处 《公共管理评论》 CSSCI 2018年第3期3-11,共9页 China Public Administration Review
关键词 质性研究 社会事实 社会科学 Qualitative Studies Social Facts Meaning
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