岩溶环境由于其特殊的水、土、植被结构组合特征 ,生态系统具有明显的脆弱性 ,这极大地阻碍了所在区域的经济发展。金佛山岩溶环境除具有岩溶环境的共同特点外 ,还具有生物多样性 ;重视生物多样性的保护 ,在此基础上逐步展开经济开发工作 ,有利于金佛山岩溶区的经济、生态、社会的可持续发展。
Because of the distinctive characteristic of the structure, karst environment is very fragile, which hinders its development of economy. Besides the common characteristic of karst environment, Mt. Jinfo has biodiversity, which is the material foundation of its development of economy. Attaching importance to its biodiversity and on the base of biodiversity to develop Mt.Jinfo's economy, this is practicable and can promote the development of the economy, the ecology and the society of this karst area.
Territory & Natural Resources Study
科技部社会公益研究专项资金 (2 0 0 0 - 2 0 8)