伏牛山分布着野生高等植物 175科 ,892属 ,2 879种 ,其中国家级重点保护植物 2 9种 ,省级保护植物 3 0种 ;由于自然、人为及社会综合因素的影响 ,使生态环境遭到严重破坏 ,植物多样性受到威胁 ,分析了伏牛山植物多样性特点、保护状况及其变化动态 ,提出了植物多样性保护的主要措施。
The Funiu Mountain is rich in plant diversity and there are 175 families,892 genera and 2879 species of wild higher plants,in which 29 species are national protectied plants and 30 species are province protecting plants.In recent years,because of the impact of multiple factor of nature,human and society,plant diversity were seriously menaced due to serious eco-environmental damage.This paper analysed the characteristics of plant diversity in Funiu Mountain,and then the main countermeasure for reserving plant diversity in the Funiu Mountain has been advanced.
Territory & Natural Resources Study