目的 探讨综合性因素不孕症的中西医结合治疗方法。方法 针对不同不孕因素选用中西药配合治疗 ,对于男方精液欠佳者用西药治疗的基础上用强肾胶囊治疗 3个月 ;女方输卵管粘连者则通液术 ,腹腔镜下分离术 ,结合中药活血化瘀药物治疗 ;排卵功能欠佳者在用克罗米芬促排卵改善黄体功能基础上加用药人工周期法。结果 6 5例综合因素不孕病人治疗 1~ 6周期 ,妊娠 5 8例 ,妊娠率达 89 2 3%。结论 中西医结合治疗综合因素不孕症具有显著疗效 ,其治疗的先决条件是对不孕症病人全面检查 。
Objective:To evaluate therapeutive effect of integrated-traditional Chineses and western medicine in treating combined infertility.Methods:Administ to various treatment method on various factor.Oligsthenoteratosperin patients were treated with Chinese herb and westem drug for 3 months.Adhesive salpingitis patients were treated withsalpilysis in laporascpy and Chinese drug.Unovulation patients were treated with Clomiphene and Chinese drug.Results:All patients were treated 1~6 months.There were 58 cases pregnancy,pregnancy rate was 89.23%.Conclusion:Chineses and western treatment method has a significantly effects.However,causation must be found before treatment.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity