目的 探讨颈动脉体球细胞移植对帕金森病 (PD)大鼠神经递质和行为的影响。方法 采用立体定位注射 6 羟多巴胺 (6 OHDA)制备偏侧PD大鼠模型 ,右侧纹状体内分别移植入自、异体颈动脉体和胚鼠中脑组织块 ,移植后 2、4、8和 1 2周进行阶梯实验和阿朴吗啡诱发大鼠的旋转实验 ,测定移植区多巴胺 (DA)的含量改变。结果 与对照组比较 ,PD大鼠摄食行为和阿朴吗啡诱发的旋转行为明显改善达 1 2周之久 ,DA水平升高显著 (P <0 .0 1 )且以自体颈动脉体移植组最佳。结论 脑内移植颈动脉体球细胞可明显改善PD大鼠的神经行为缺损 ,提高纹状体内DA含量 。
Objective To investigate the effects of glomus cells of carotid body grafts on neurotransmitter and behavior of hemiparkinsonian rats. Methods Hemiparkinsonian model of rats established by micro injection of 6 hydroxydopamine (6 OHDA) into the right dopaminergic neurons of substantia nigra received intrastriatum grafts of homo or hetero intrastriatum glomus cells of carotid body and fetal mesencephalic neurons, respectively. Staircase test and rotation test induced by apomorphine were performed in all groups after grafting. The striatum was cut for dopamine contents analysis by using HPLC at the end of the experiments. Results Compared with the control group, the food pellets intake were increased, apomorphine induced rotational behaviors were significantly reduced for twelve weeks and the dopamine contents were significantly elevated ( P <0.01). Conclusion The present study demonstrates that intrastriatum grafts of glomus cells of carotid body in rats with 6 OHDA induced lesions can improve the neurological behavior deficits and elevate the dopamine contents, and could be an effective method for the treatment of Parkinson disease.
Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
武汉市青年科技晨光计划资助项目 (No.2 0 0 150 0 50 4 7)