Objective: To study the effect of compound ridding - cancer oral liquid on the celi differentiation of human gastric cancer. Methods: Medication serum of above - noted oral liquid was used to incubate cultured in vitro human gastric cancer celi BGC - 823 to research the effect of this recipe on the differentiation of human gastric cancer celi BGC
- 823 cultured in vitro through o the communication function observation of celi chasm connection. Results: The above
- mentioned serum can inhibit the proliferation of human gastric cancer celi BGC - 823 and increase the connection communication among the celis. Conclusion: The medication serum of ridding - cancer oral liquid can inhibit the proliferation of human gastric cancer celi BGC - 823 and make them redifferentiate and increase the connection communication among the celis that is one of the molecular mechanisms of anti - cancer.
China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy