目的 :探讨药源性皮疹的发生情况。方法 :利用我院自行开发设计的《计算机预警系统软件》对我院2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 1年住院期间使用过氯苯那敏、赛庚啶的患者资料进行回顾性分析。结果 :有药物不良反应的 12 4例 ,涉及到的药物 16类、4 2种 ,以抗菌药物居首位。新上市药品不良反应占比例较高 ;中成药不良反应发生率呈上升趋势。结论 :利用《计算机预警系统软件》在医院进行集中检测ADR的分析研究 ,可有效地查出有关的ADR信息 ,防止医院ADR的少报、漏报。
Objective: To check out if antibacterial drugs were rational in use. Method: The inpatients' data from 2000 to 2001 with the treatment of cholrpheniramine maleate or cyproheptadine were comprehensively analysed by self design software. Result: The ADRs had occured in 124 patients, involving with 16 categories and 22 species of drugs. Antibacterials was the most kind among all sorts of used drugs. ADRs of new drugs appeared frequently, ADRs of Chinese traditional drug was increaing. Conclusion: The ADRs can be found easily by the easy warning system software.
Chinese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology