Objective To investigate the prevalence of resistant Neisseria gon orrhoeae and plasmid-mediated resistant strains in Guangzhou from 1996 to 2001. Methods The resistant N.gonorrhoeae and plasmid-mediated resistant strains to tetracycline (TRNG) were determined using agar dilution method, and penicillinas e-producing N. gonorrhoeae (PPNG) by acidometric method. Results A total of 793 gonococcal isolates were tested from 1996 to 2001. The resistant rate for penic illin increased from 57.2%to 81.8%and PPNG from 2%to 27.2%, respectively, du ring the six years. Resistance to tetracycline remained high and stable over the years, while the rates of TRNG were increased from 1.5%to 27.2%. Conclusions The prevalence of plasmid-mediated resistant strains of N. gonorrhoeae increase s year by year in Guangzhou. These results suggest that the clinical isolates of gonococcal strains in this city are highly resistant to penicillin and tetracyc line.
Chinese Journal of Dermatology