本文首先从伦理道德、政治制度、文化教育、文学艺术、国民人格等方面梳理了陈独秀反传统主义思想的主要脉络和基本内涵 ,并分析了其反传统主义的内在逻辑结构和重心所在 ;其次 ,通过分析 ,归纳总结了陈独秀反传统主义思想具有的反孔排儒、破立统一、毫不妥协的坚定性和强烈感情倾向等三大特征 ;运用历史分析、逻辑分析和心理分析的方法 ,追踪探解当时陈独秀反传统主义思想行为的主观动机和客观效果 ,反驳当时和后世对他的误解 ,从历史和现实的互动中确立陈独秀反传统主义的历史高度。
In relation to Chen Duxius anti traditionalist thought, the main threads and the basic intension are combed out from ethics and morality, political institution, culture and education, literature and arts, and national personality; and its immanent logical construction and its key points are analysed. Anti traditionalism, unity of revolution and reconstruct, and uncompromising staunchness and effectivity as its three characteristics are summed up by analysis and induction. The subjective motive and objective effect of Chen Duxius anti traditionalist thought and behaviour at that given time are traced and explored by using historical analysis, logical analysis and psychoanalysis. The misconstruction placed on him then and later ages is refuted. The historical height, the enlightened value, and the influence across time and space of Chen Duxiu antitraditionalism should be established from the interaction of history and reality.
Journal of Huaqiao University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)
Chen Duxiu
anti traditionalism
May 4th spirit