
Improvement Up-conversion Luminescence Properties of SrIn_2O_04:Er^(3+) by Doping Yb^(3+) as Sensitizer

Improvement Up-conversion Luminescence Properties of SrIn_2O_04:Er^(3+) by Doping Yb^(3+) as Sensitizer
摘要 A series of Yb^(3+)/Er^(3+) or Er^(3+) doped SrIn_2O_4 were synthesized by a high temperature solid state method.The up-conversion luminescence property and the phase formation of SrIn_2O_4:Er^(3+) and SrIn_2O_4:Yb^(3+),Er^(3+) were investigated by X-ray diffraction(XRD) and spectral methods.The XRD pattern shows that incorporating different amounts of Yb^(3+)and Er^(3+) have no influence on the phase formation of SrIn_2O_4.The up-conversion luminescence spectrum of SrIn_2O_4:Er^(3+) presented a weak luminescence due to ground state absorption of Er^(3+).However,Yb^(3+)/Er^(3+) codoped SrIn_2O_4 depicted the green(525 and 551 run) and red(662 nm) up-conversion luminescence which were assigned to the energy transfer from the Yb^(3+) transition ~2F_(7/2)-~2F_(5/2) to the Er^(3+) transitions ~2H_(11/2)-~4I_(15/2) and ~4F_(9/2-~4I_(15/2),respectively.The possible up-conversion luminescence mechanism of SrIn_2O_4:Yb^(3+),Er^(3+) was analyzed.All results could be helpful to the development of up-conversion luminescence materials. A series of Yb^(3+)/Er^(3+) or Er^(3+) doped SrIn_2O_4 were synthesized by a high temperature solid state method.The up-conversion luminescence property and the phase formation of SrIn_2O_4:Er^(3+) and SrIn_2O_4:Yb^(3+),Er^(3+) were investigated by X-ray diffraction(XRD) and spectral methods.The XRD pattern shows that incorporating different amounts of Yb^(3+)and Er^(3+) have no influence on the phase formation of SrIn_2O_4.The up-conversion luminescence spectrum of SrIn_2O_4:Er^(3+) presented a weak luminescence due to ground state absorption of Er^(3+).However,Yb^(3+)/Er^(3+) codoped SrIn_2O_4 depicted the green(525 and 551 run) and red(662 nm) up-conversion luminescence which were assigned to the energy transfer from the Yb^(3+) transition ~2F_(7/2)-~2F_(5/2) to the Er^(3+) transitions ~2H_(11/2)-~4I_(15/2) and ~4F_(9/2-~4I_(15/2),respectively.The possible up-conversion luminescence mechanism of SrIn_2O_4:Yb^(3+),Er^(3+) was analyzed.All results could be helpful to the development of up-conversion luminescence materials.
出处 《Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society》 2016年第2期78-83,共6页 硅酸盐学报(英文版)
关键词 up-conversion luminescence SrIn2O4 ER YB CO-DOPED up-conversion luminescence SrIn_2O_4 Er Yb co-doped
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