通过对九龙江流域水土保持生态环境进行调查和综合分析 ,确定了该流域水土流失的现状和主要问题 ,并根据流域的水土流失特点和流域情况 ,划分了流域的水土流失类型区 ,在此基础上进一步对流域的水土流失治理进行布局 ,并结合区域经济发展的需求 ,提出“三片一带”的防治分区和具体治理措施。
Through field investigation and comprehensive analysis on ecological environment of soil and water conservation of Jiulong river, the situation of soil erosion and main environmental problem were presented.In light of characteristics and case of the watershed,the soil erosion type zones were plotted out and based on it soil erosion control planning were made out in whole watershed and preventive measures in details were put forward to meet the need of economic development of the watershed.
Research of Soil and Water Conservation