

Construction of Enzyme-Like Catalytic Nanomaterials as SERS Substrate and Their Applications
摘要 兼具多功能性质的材料是当今表面增强拉曼(SERS)基底构筑的发展方向。纳米模拟酶催化剂近年来发展迅速,引起了不同领域包括材料、化学、生物学、医学等学科的广泛研究兴趣。与天然酶相比,纳米酶具有高稳定性和可调催化活性以及价格低的优点,并能够避免生物酶易失活的特点,使其在催化和酶动力学领域具有广泛的应用前景,特别是在分析化学中有重要意义。构筑了一系列兼具类酶催化活性和SERS活性的纳米酶SERS基底,利用SERS及其他技术研究了类酶催化过程中分子的反应动力学过程,探讨了其类酶催化机理,并将其应用于多种有机分子及生物分子的超灵敏检测中。这里我们介绍几种多功能纳米类酶催化材料SERS基底的构筑及其应用研究:(1)石墨烯/半导体/金属复合纳米酶催化材料的构筑及其对生物体系的超灵敏检测;(2)碳点/金属复合纳米材料的构筑及其SERS增强机制与类酶催化性质研究;(3)导电高分子/金属复合材料的制备及其SERS与类酶催化性质研究;(4)金属/MOF复合材料的构筑及其SERS与类酶增强催化机理与检测研究。 In recent years,the fabrication of multifunctional composite nanomaterials as efficient SERS substrates has become a hot research topic.Enzyme-like catalytic nanomaterials has attracted much attention in the fields of materials,chemistry,biology,medicine and environmental science.Compared with natural enzymes,nanozymes show high stability and tunable catalytic activity,as well as low-cost.The advantages of nanozymes offer them broad applications in catalytic and enzymatic kinetics.Therefore,these catalytically active nanoparticles are of great significance in analytical chemistry.We constructed a series of substrates with both enzyme-like catalytic activity and SERS activity;and the molecular kinetic process in the enzyme-like catalytic reaction via a SERS technique have been studied;Various organic molecules and biomaterials have been detected sensitively.The main research content is as follows:(1)The fabrication of graphene oxide nanocomposites with the excellent SERS properties and high peroxidase-like activity is achieved,which can detect H2 O2 and glucose with high sensitivity and distinguish between diabetic and normal individuals using glucose levels in fingerprints.(2)The fabrication of core.shell Ag@CDs nanoparticles is achieved which not only exhibited unique SERS properties but also showed excellent catalytic activities,especially as an ultrasensitive SERS substrate for monitoring heterogeneous catalytic reactions in real time.(3)The preparation of Au/PANI nanorices is achieved,which exhibited a superior intrinsic peroxidase-like catalytic activity compared with individual Au nanospheres and PANI nanofibers alone.(4)The synthetizing of magnetic MOFs nanocatalysts with both excellent SERS activity and great peroxidase-like activity is achieved,which exhibited a photo-induced enhanced catalytic oxidation effect.
作者 宋薇
出处 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第S1期185-186,共2页 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(21473068 21327803)资助
关键词 纳米酶 SERS 类酶催化 Nanozyme SERS Enzyme-like catalysis
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